In Unit 6, I tested my prototype and created a testing video to explain and reflect on the process.
Testing Report
My design seeks to address the following problem: Assistant teachers do not have time to focus on technology professional development because they do not have free time or planning periods during the day. I am trying to organize more technology-based professional development workshops for our faculty, but my ideal attendees (the assistant teachers) are often too busy to attend.
The prototype I created in unit 5 is a Technology Professional Development Plan that outlines what I would like my PD workshops to look like going forward. The biggest change is the proposed schedule, which is intended to provide more options and greater flexibility to assistant teachers. The prototype also details how content will be delivered during and after the sessions, with additional support including a resource site and technology drop-in times.
For the testing phase, I felt it was important to get feedback on all parts of my prototype-- the proposed schedule as well as the content itself. First, I sought feedback from my users by sending my revised prototype to the assistant teachers via email and asking for feedback. Specifically, I asked if they would be more or less likely to attend PD adhering to the proposed schedule, and welcomed whatever feedback or questions they had.
I didn’t expect too much engagement from my email since our school is currently on spring break, but I did receive a few responses. The consensus of these responses was that my users felt they would be more likely to attend PD if it was offered at different times throughout the week, as in the prototype. One user also suggested sending out a reminder email about the PD the day before and the day of, as they could see themselves getting busy and forgetting about it. This is feedback that I will implement in my final design.
I also wanted to test the content itself, and to do so I conducted a mock PD session over Zoom with my father, who is a high school teacher. While not a direct member of my user group, he resembles my users in that he teaches at a G Suite/Mac school and is interested in learning new tech tools. For this test workshop, I taught him about the extension Poll Everywhere for Google Slides.
I asked for general feedback, and specifically asked about the pacing of the 20 minute workshop. He suggested having my audience follow along with each step on their own computers, and making sure everyone is caught up before moving on to the next step. Additionally, he felt that the resource material I provided (a PDF guide) was easy to follow, and liked that it was all available on the Google Site.
Given my testing results, I have further revised my prototype to incorporate the feedback I received. I have added a section outlining the pacing of an example workshop and created a resource site to house the guides and tutorials my department has created. I feel positive moving forward from this round of testing, though I anticipate continuing to test and rework my design once I start actually offering the PD to my users!
Check out my testing video below!